Auto Body Craft & Auto Body Wash-Auto Repair shop in Kandy
Repair Centers / by Piyumi Divyanjali / 1399 views / Popular
Auto Body Craft & Auto Body Wash is a well-known, friendly neighborhood Auto Repair shop in Kandy and nearby areas run by technicians who have more years of hands-on experience in servicing and repairing cars of multiple brands.
We have management experience in the automobile industry to guide the core team in their operations.
All our Mechanics have a vast experience In the Automobile Service & are highly trained. A customer can get all car related service under one roof.
We Also have invested in latest service tools & diagnostic to offer the best in class service for the customers.
Our Services.
♦Vehicle Tinkering & Painting
♦Insurance & Non-insurance collision repairs
♦Electrical & Mechanical Repairs
♦Bumper Restoration (repainting,remounting,grill mending,welding)
♦Three-wheeler and motor bike body wash ( Three wheel , Bike Tinkering & Painting)
♦Car Modification (Body kit designing & Modifications)
♦Free Carrier service ( within 5 km)
Contact Us
- Listing ID: 5109
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