Lakpriya Brassware - Brassware Kandy Sri Lanka

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Lakpriya Brassware is located in Uduwela, Kandy. It is owned by Lalith Wishwakula Panditharatne. He has been training in this art since he was 15 years old. He has more than 26 years of experience. Inherited, Lakpriya Brassware, under the leadership of Mr. Panditharatne, is today at a very advanced stage, facing many challenges.

Lakpriya Brassware successfully overcomes the challenges faced by the brass industry day by day. That is, Lakpriya Brassware has introduced a number of innovations that are different from the traditional products.

Has won many local awards.

Lakpriya Brassware පිහිටා ඇත්තේ  මහනුවර, උඩුවෙල,ජනඋදානගමය. මෙහි හිමිකාරිත්වය දරන්නේ ලලිත් විශ්වකුල පණ්ඩිතරත්න මහතාය . තම වයස අවු: 15 වේ සිටම මෙම කලාව පිලිබදව  පුහුණුව තම පිය උරුමයෙන්  ලබා ඇත. වසර 26 කට වඩා පලපුරැද්දක් ඔහු සතුව ඇත. පිළිමතලාවේ  පාරම්පරික පිත්තල කර්මාන්තයට  හිමිකම් කියන Lakpriya Brassware සමාගම , අභියෝග රැසකට මුහුණදී, විව මහතාගේ   නායකත්වය යටතේ ,අද වර්තමානයේ  ඉතාමත්  දියුණු තත්වයට පැමිණ ඇත.

පිත්තල කර්මාන්තය දිනෙන් දින මුහුණදෙන   අභියෝගවලට Lakpriya Brassware සමාගම ඉතා සාර්ථකව මුහුණ දෙයි. ඒනම්  පාරම්පරික නිෂ්පාදන වලින් වෙනස් වෙමින් නව නිර්මාණ රැසක්   Lakpriya Brassware සමාගම වෙළදපොලට ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇත.

දේශිය සම්මාන රැසකට උරැමකම් කියයි.

Lakpriya Brassware සමාගමේ විශේෂත්වයවන්නේ ,ඔබගේ අවශ්‍යතාවයට නිර්මාණ කරදීමයි.

Lakpriya Brassware   கண்டியின் உடுவேலாவில் அமைந்துள்ளது. இது விஸ்வக்கல் பண்டிதரத்னவுக்கு சொந்தமானது. அவர் 15 வயதிலிருந்தே இந்த கலையில் பயிற்சி பெற்று வருகிறார். அவருக்கு 26 ஆண்டுகளுக்கும் மேலான அனுபவம் உள்ளது.  பண்டிதரத்ன தலைமையில், லக்பிரியா பிராஸ்வேர் இன்று மிகவும் முன்னேறிய நிலையில் உள்ளது.

Lakpriya Brassware  நாள்தோறும் பித்தளை தொழில் எதிர்கொள்ளும் சவால்களை வெற்றிகரமாக சமாளிக்கிறது. அதாவது, Lakpriya Brassware பாரம்பரிய தயாரிப்புகளிலிருந்து வேறுபட்ட பல கண்டுபிடிப்புகளை வழங்குகிறது.




  • Listing ID: 3714
  • pages: New
Contact details

Mr Lalith Wishwakula Panditharathne 56 /4 Janaudanagama, Ratemulla, Uduwela KandyKandy,sri Lanka,20000 [email protected]

Contact listing owner

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