

Telephone Directory Kurunegala is a Business and all Telephone directory in Kurunegala District

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Athugala Ceramics is based in Kurunegala. Launched in 2011. Mr.Ajantha Ediraweera is the owner of the company. He has 20 years of experience. He holds a Special Degree in Ceramic Production. Athugala Ceramics products, which he started using his knowledge and experience, are one of the most popular ceramic products for Ornaments  and tea containers. Competing with other ceramics products, it is winning the Sri Lankan market. Athugala Ceramics is also in high demand among foreigners Athugala Ceramics සමාගම කුරුණෑගල තුල පිහිටා ඇත. 2011දී ආරම්භය විය.අජන්ත ඒදිරවීර මහතා සමාගමේ හිමිකරුවේ. 20 වසරක පලපුරුද්දක් ඒතුමා සතුය. සෙරමික් නිෂ්පාදන පිලිබද විශේෂ  උපාධියක්...

 handicraft /  Kurunegala / 852 views / Popular

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Dangollawaththa Aquarium is located in Mawathagama, Kurunegala. This is owned by Mr. Prasad. Started 7 years ago.The business breeds buys and sells all kinds of ornamental fish and ornamental birds. Dangollawaththa Aquarium ආයතනය මාවතගම , කුරූණෑගල පිහිටා ඇත. මෙහි අයිතිය ප්‍රසාද් මහතා සතුය. වසර 7 කට පෙර ආරම්භ විය. සියලුම වර්ගයේ විසිතුරු මාලුන් සහ විසිතුරු කුරැල්ලන් බෝ කිරීම, මිලදී ගැනීම, සහ විකිණීම මෙම ව්‍යාපාරයවේ. කුරූණෑගල මීගොල්ලේ මුලස්ථානය ලෙසට පවත්වාගෙන යන අතර , ප්‍රදර්ශණාගාරය අංක 4 සාමෝදය නිවාස ,මාවතගම පිහිටා ඇත. මෙම ප්‍රදර්ශනාගාරයේ සතුන්ට අවශ්‍ය ආහාර,‍ බෙහෙත් වර්ග සහ උපකරණද අලෙවියට ඇත. දැනට ඉතා විශාල ඉල්ලුමක් ඇති ව්‍යාපාරයක් වන මෙය ලංකාව...

 Other /  Kurunegala / 751 views / Popular

by adlanka

S S Property Company is located in Kurunegala You have different needs. At the same time, it is important to sell your resources at a reasonable price. S S Property Our aim is to help you in this situation. S S Property සමාගම කුරුණෑගල නගරයේ පිහිටා ඇත. ඔබට  විවිධ අවශ්‍යතා ඇත. ඒ  අතර  ඔබ සතුව ඇති සම්පතක්  සාධාරණ මිලකට  අලෙවි කර ගැනිම ප්‍රධාන තැනක් ගනී.  මෙවැනි අවස්ථාවකදී ඔබට උපකාර කිරිම S S Proprty අපගේ අරමුණවේ. ඔබගේ දේපලක් වන ඉඩමක් හෝ වාහනයක් ඉතා සාධාරණ මිලකට අලෙවිකර ගැනීමටත්, ඔබ අත ඇති මුල්‍ය ශක්තියට , ඔබට අවශ්‍යය ප්‍රදේශයකින් සහ පරිසරයකින් ඉඩමක් හෝ ඔබ...

 real estate companies /  Kurunegala / 562 views / Popular

by adlanka

S K Job Banking Agency  is located in Kurunegala. The aim is to help create jobs for unemployed youth. S K Job Banking Agency is doing a great service to the society by engaging in this great process. Every person needs a source of income to survive. It requires a job, a profession or a business. Finding a job that pays well is a daunting task today. You may be making various attempts for this. Going to interviews at various institutions. In this case, you need the help of an organization that has the right honesty and guidance. One of...

 Other /  Kurunegala / 1531 views / Popular

by adlanka

Are you looking for the best  furniture brands for your business,project and house?I would like to introduce you a suitable place for that. Deshan Furniture is one of the most popular furniture manufacturers in the Kurunegala District  Wauda. The current owner is Mr. Sugath Samantha. Dashan Furniture Company has 25 years of experience. Today it is a large scale factory making all kinds of products made of wood.The factory is equipped with modern machines.Produces very artistically and responsibly.There is a good demand for the product. The company has a large furniture showroom, wood sheds and  wood mill. Another service is...

 woodcraft /  Kurunegala / 1825 views / Popular

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Shashi Looms is owned by Mrs. Tilani Shashikala Jayasingha. She is an educated graduate.She decided to change the tradition of educated women.  As a result, Shashi Looms started a self-employed business.Launched as a small company, the business now has a showroom in Kurunegala town. Shashi Loom is one of the most popular creative Hand loom and traditional clothing manufacturers in and around Kurunegala. Shashi Loom is one of the leading manufacturers of traditional Sir Lankan women's clothing. Shashi Loom Produces their own hand loom fabric. It is done with care and experience within a few days. Every handcrafted piece is...

 Shops and Shopping /  Kurunegala / 3232 views / Popular

by adlanka

Last Long Shoe Maker Manufacturing Company was established at Maspotha, Kurunegala 5 years ago. The owner is Ruwan Wathsala Jayathilaka. He is a retired Army officer. He has many different abilities.This includes music, carving, photography, handicrafts, design. He was honored and recognized in the military for his various skills. He is currently the President of the  Wayamba Footwear and Leather Products Manufacturers Association. Through this he has done a great service to the members of the Association.   He first started a wedding photo studio. Later the Last Long Shoe Maker Manufacturing Company was started. At first the bridal bridal...

 shoes shops /  Kurunegala / 2337 views / Popular

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